Reach new heights.

We are experts in financing strategies. We develop applications for EU grants, negotiate the most suitable credit solutions and attract investors to leverage your projects.

Reach new heights.

We are experts in financing strategies. We develop applications for EU grants, negotiate the most suitable credit solutions and attract investors to leverage your projects.

European Grants Applications
We make the most of your chances of success and ensure funding to launch your projects.
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We negotiate the best credit solutions with banks for the acquisition of capital.
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We analyze risk and find the best options for attracting strategic investors.
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European Grants Applications
We make the most of your chances of success and ensure funding to launch your projects.
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Banking Intermediation
We negotiate the best credit solutions with banks for the acquisition of capital.
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Attracting Investors
We analyze risk and find the best options for attracting strategic investors.
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Start PME has developed two useful tools for entrepreneurs.
Free Diagnosis
Fill in the form and receive a detailed analysis with the most suitable solutions for your project.
Receive a Diagnosis
Grants Simulator
Search according to sector or amount of funding and find out what incentives are available for your business.
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Start PME has developed two useful tools for entrepreneurs.
Free Diagnosis
Fill in the form and receive a detailed analysis with the most suitable solutions for your project.
Receive a Diagnosis
Grants Simulator
Search according to sector or amount of funding and find out what incentives are available for your business.
Search Now
Start smart.

Our method

We assess your company’s maturity.

We set medium-term business goals and define the steps needed to get there.

We identify the essential investments in a two-year plan.

We create a tailor-made financing strategy with integrated solutions.

We develop your company’s business plan.

We execute a strategy with precision and dedication.

and support

We are a team of experienced consultants dedicated to your project so that you can achieve exceptional results.

and Innovation

We adapt to your specific needs, always looking for the most suitable and profitable financing.

on Strategy

The strategy behind the financing is what defines us. We don’t just obtain resources, we act intelligently and sustainably.

Smart start.

What makes us different

Start smart.

Our method

We assess your company’s maturity.

We set medium-term business goals and define the steps needed to get there.

We identify the essential investments in a two-year plan.

We create a tailor-made financing strategy with integrated solutions.

We develop your company’s business plan.

We execute a strategy with precision and dedication.

Smart start.

What makes us different

Know-how and support

We are a team of experienced consultants dedicated to your project so that you can achieve exceptional results.

Flexibility and Innovation

We adapt to your specific needs, always looking for the most suitable and profitable financing.

Focus on Strategy

The strategy behind the financing is what defines us. We don’t just obtain resources, we act intelligently and sustainably.

We consider the performance very good, from formulating the application to sending it off and following up on it. We should also highlight the total availability of Start PME in clarifying any doubts that arise.

Start PME

We are a business group that has been growing since 2010. This evolution has been achieved both through the development of the founding companies and through acquisitions and the launch of new projects, with the aim of strengthening and reinforcing our presence in various markets.

Start PME Ecosystem

We are a business group that has been growing since 2010. This evolution has been achieved both through the development of the founding companies and through acquisitions and the launch of new projects, with the aim of strengthening and reinforcing our presence in various markets.

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Join the Start PME Agent Network!

Turn opportunities into success.

Turn opportunities into success.

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Agent Network!

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into success.

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Projects supported by PT2020

Number of projects


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7.250 M€

Source: IAPMEI

The Newsletter that is a rocket ship.

Stay up to date about the opportunities for your company and reach new heights.

We review notices, news and launches of measures, incentives and community funds every day.

News related to EU funds, financial incentives and management.

Sent a maximum of 4x per month, with information about grants and financial support and highlights the week’s news in a concise and noiseless way.

The Newsletter that is a rocket ship.

Stay up to date about the opportunities for your company and reach new heights.

We review notices, news and launches of measures, incentives and community funds every day.

News related to EU funds, financial incentives and management.

Sent a maximum of 4x per month, with information about grants and financial support and highlights the week’s news in a concise and noiseless way.