Project Description

Small Business
Build 2030
Build 2030 – Small Businesses is business investment support for micro and small businesses with a maximum amount of 50,000 euros and a financing rate of up to 70% non-repayable financing which aims to revitalize the business fabric of the Azores by strengthening competitiveness, reorienting the productive fabric towards more innovative, sustainable and sustainable production models, enhancing endogenous resources and creating and qualifying employment.
Support Status
Up to 50.000€
Eligible Entities
Micro Enterprises
Small Enterprises

Small Business
Build 2030
Build 2030 – Small Businesses is business investment support for micro and small businesses with a maximum amount of 50,000 euros and a financing rate of up to 70% non-repayable financing which aims to revitalize the business fabric of the Azores by strengthening competitiveness, reorienting the productive fabric towards more innovative, sustainable and sustainable production models, enhancing endogenous resources and creating and qualifying employment.
Support Status
Up to 50.000€
Eligible Entities
Micro Enterprises
Small Enterprises
Incentive Conditions
- Support for business investment to strengthen competitiveness, encouraging the reorientation of the productive fabric towards more innovative, sustainable and knowledge- and technology-intensive production models which include greater capacity to generate added value and strengthen the external competitiveness of regional companies and the use and enhancement of endogenous resources along with the creation and qualification of employment.
- Autonomous Region of the Azores.
- The financing rate for eligible operations is obtained from the sum of the following portions, up to a maximum of 70%:
- a) 50 % for the islands of S. Miguel and Terceira;
- b) 55 % for the islands of Faial and Pico and for the municipalities of Nordeste, Povoação and Vila Franca do Campo, on the island of São Miguel;
- c) 60 % for the islands of Santa Maria, Graciosa, São Jorge, Flores and Corvo.
- A bonus may also be granted for the completion of operations, in the form of a non-refundable grant, depending on the degree of compliance with the targets set by the beneficiary and duly approved at the close of the investment, to be added to the non-refundable incentive referred to in the previous paragraph, based on the following:
- a) Assessment of targets at the close of the investment:
- i) 5% if the value of the indicator Gcp – Degree of compliance with the deadline, relative to the investment deadline, is equal to or greater than 1, calculated as follows: Gcp = X1/X2 where:
- X1 – Deadline, in months, set out in the acceptance agreement;
- X2 – The actual deadline for carrying out the operation, measured at the date of completion of the investment.
- ii) According to the project’s merit points (MP): 3% in the case of an MP greater than or equal to 3.50 points 4% in the case of an MP greater than or equal to 4.00 points 5% in the case of an MP greater than or equal to 4.50 points.
- i) 5% if the value of the indicator Gcp – Degree of compliance with the deadline, relative to the investment deadline, is equal to or greater than 1, calculated as follows: Gcp = X1/X2 where:
- a) Assessment of targets at the close of the investment:
- Operations promoted by micro and small companies are eligible for support, with investments equal to or greater than €5,000.00 (five thousand euros) and eligible investments equal to or less than €50,000.00 (fifty thousand euros).
- Individual entrepreneurs, commercial companies, regardless of their legal nature, complementary groups of companies and cooperatives, with tax residence, head office or permanent establishment in the Autonomous Region of the Azores, who meet the criteria of micro and small companies.
- a) Construction and rehabilitation of buildings, and miscellaneous construction and rehabilitation, provided they are directly related to the implementation of the project. (Applicable cost category – Construction and rehabilitation of buildings).
- b) Acquisition of goods and equipment, including the acquisition of services such as transportation, insurance, assembly and disassembly, which are relevant to the development of the project.( Applicable cost category – Acquisition of goods and equipment).
- c) Transport equipment, namely the purchase of light goods vehicles and other transport equipment. ( Applicable cost category – Transport equipment).
- Eligible rule and limit: With the exception of CAEs in group 521 and subclasses 52291 and 52292 provided that they meet the following conditions:
- i) they do not have combustion engines that run on fossil fuels;
- ii) they are essential for carrying out the respective activity;
- iii) they are not intended for hire without a driver.
- Eligible rule and limit: With the exception of CAEs in group 521 and subclasses 52291 and 52292 provided that they meet the following conditions:
- d) Transport equipment, namely the purchase of vehicles and other transport equipment. (Applicable cost category – Transport equipment)
- Eligible rule and limit: In the case of operations promoted by tourist entertainment companies, provided they meet the following conditions:
- i) they do not have combustion engines that run on fossil fuels;
- ii) they are essential and suitable for carrying out the respective activity;
- iii) they are not intended for hire without a driver.
- Eligible rule and limit: In the case of operations promoted by tourist entertainment companies, provided they meet the following conditions:
- e) Acquisition of goods and equipment related to information and communication technologies, namely hardware and software, including the initial development of a website. (Applicable cost category – Computer equipment (hardware and communication equipment, such as telephones/switchboards; Software and licenses; Web presence).
- Eligible rule and limit: Limited to 15% of the total eligible cost of the operation.
- f) Costs related to patents and trademarks, namely the creation and development of own brands, trademarks and collections, designs, models and patents, as well as expenditure on the valuation of brands, trademarks acquired, created or established. (Applicable cost category – Patent and trademark costs; Design of brands and collections).
- Eligible rule and limit: Limited to 5% of the total eligible cost of the operation.
- g) Acquisition of technical assistance services in matters of planning, control and management relating to quality, environment and safety, production, technological modernization and best available techniques.(Applicable cost category – Technical assistance).
- h) Acquisition of services related to the preparation of the application file.( Applicable cost category – Studies).
- Eligible rule and limit: Limited to 2% of the total eligible cost of the operation, with a maximum of €500.00 (five hundred euros).
- i) Acquisition of services related to architectural and engineering projects, or others associated with the operation (Applicable cost category – Architectural and engineering projects and services).
- Eligible rule and limit: Limited to 2% of the total eligible cost of the operation.
- j) Acquisition of services related to the preparation of payment requests and the intervention of certified accountants, in the context of the submission of payment requests (Applicable cost category – CC/ROC).
- Eligible rule and limit: Limited to 2% of the total eligible cost of the operation, with a maximum of €500.00 (five hundred euros).
- k) Acquisition of services to carry out studies or reports as part of the operation’s alignment with the “do no significant harm” principle.(Applicable cost category – Studies/Reports – “Do no significant harm” principle).
- Eligible rule and limit: Limited to a maximum of €1,000.00 (one thousand euros).
- Micro and small enterprises.
Incentive Conditions
Support for business investment to strengthen competitiveness, encouraging the reorientation of the productive fabric towards more innovative, sustainable and knowledge- and technology-intensive production models which include greater capacity to generate added value and strengthen the external competitiveness of regional companies and the use and enhancement of endogenous resources along with the creation and qualification of employment.
Autonomous Region of the Azores.
The financing rate for eligible operations is obtained from the sum of the following portions, up to a maximum of 70%:
a) 50 % for the islands of S. Miguel and Terceira;
b) 55 % for the islands of Faial and Pico and for the municipalities of Nordeste, Povoação and Vila Franca do Campo, on the island of São Miguel;
c) 60 % for the islands of Santa Maria, Graciosa, São Jorge, Flores and Corvo.
A bonus may also be granted for the completion of operations, in the form of a non-refundable grant, depending on the degree of compliance with the targets set by the beneficiary and duly approved at the close of the investment, to be added to the non-refundable incentive referred to in the previous paragraph, based on the following:
a) Assessment of targets at the close of the investment:
i) 5% if the value of the indicator Gcp – Degree of compliance with the deadline, relative to the investment deadline, is equal to or greater than 1, calculated as follows: Gcp = X1/X2 where:
X1 – Deadline, in months, set out in the acceptance agreement;
X2 – The actual deadline for carrying out the operation, measured at the date of completion of the investment.
ii) According to the project’s merit points (MP): 3% in the case of an MP greater than or equal to 3.50 points 4% in the case of an MP greater than or equal to 4.00 points 5% in the case of an MP greater than or equal to 4.50 points.
Operations promoted by micro and small companies are eligible for support, with investments equal to or greater than €5,000.00 (five thousand euros) and eligible investments equal to or less than €50,000.00 (fifty thousand euros).
Individual entrepreneurs, commercial companies, regardless of their legal nature, complementary groups of companies and cooperatives, with tax residence, head office or permanent establishment in the Autonomous Region of the Azores, who meet the criteria of micro and small companies.
a) Construction and rehabilitation of buildings, and miscellaneous construction and rehabilitation, provided they are directly related to the implementation of the project. (Applicable cost category – Construction and rehabilitation of buildings).
b) Acquisition of goods and equipment, including the acquisition of services such as transportation, insurance, assembly and disassembly, which are relevant to the development of the project.( Applicable cost category – Acquisition of goods and equipment).
c) Transport equipment, namely the purchase of light goods vehicles and other transport equipment. ( Applicable cost category – Transport equipment).
Eligible rule and limit: With the exception of CAEs in group 521 and subclasses 52291 and 52292 provided that they meet the following conditions:
i) they do not have combustion engines that run on fossil fuels;
ii) they are essential for carrying out the respective activity;
iii) they are not intended for hire without a driver.
d) Transport equipment, namely the purchase of vehicles and other transport equipment. (Applicable cost category – Transport equipment)
Eligible rule and limit: In the case of operations promoted by tourist entertainment companies, provided they meet the following conditions:
i) they do not have combustion engines that run on fossil fuels;
ii) they are essential and suitable for carrying out the respective activity;
iii) they are not intended for hire without a driver.
e) Acquisition of goods and equipment related to information and communication technologies, namely hardware and software, including the initial development of a website. (Applicable cost category – Computer equipment (hardware and communication equipment, such as telephones/switchboards; Software and licenses; Web presence).
Eligible rule and limit: Limited to 15% of the total eligible cost of the operation.
f) Costs related to patents and trademarks, namely the creation and development of own brands, trademarks and collections, designs, models and patents, as well as expenditure on the valuation of brands, trademarks acquired, created or established. (Applicable cost category – Patent and trademark costs; Design of brands and collections).
Eligible rule and limit: Limited to 5% of the total eligible cost of the operation.
g) Acquisition of technical assistance services in matters of planning, control and management relating to quality, environment and safety, production, technological modernization and best available techniques.(Applicable cost category – Technical assistance).
h) Acquisition of services related to the preparation of the application file.( Applicable cost category – Studies).
Eligible rule and limit: Limited to 2% of the total eligible cost of the operation, with a maximum of €500.00 (five hundred euros).
i) Acquisition of services related to architectural and engineering projects, or others associated with the operation (Applicable cost category – Architectural and engineering projects and services).
Eligible rule and limit: Limited to 2% of the total eligible cost of the operation.
j) Acquisition of services related to the preparation of payment requests and the intervention of certified accountants, in the context of the submission of payment requests (Applicable cost category – CC/ROC).
Eligible rule and limit: Limited to 2% of the total eligible cost of the operation, with a maximum of €500.00 (five hundred euros).
k) Acquisition of services to carry out studies or reports as part of the operation’s alignment with the “do no significant harm” principle.(Applicable cost category – Studies/Reports – “Do no significant harm” principle).
Eligible rule and limit: Limited to a maximum of €1,000.00 (one thousand euros).
Micro and small enterprises.