Project Description

Vouchers for Startups

Recovery and Resilience Plan

The Vouchers for Startups – New Green and Digital Products is an incentive that aims to support the start-up and growth of startups whose business models, products or services contribute to combating the climate crisis.

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Support Status

Preliminary Stage


Up to 30.000€


Mainland Portugal

Eligible Entities


Vouchers for Startups

Recovery and Resilience Plan

The Vouchers for Startups – New Green and Digital Products is an incentive that aims to support the start-up and growth of startups whose business models, products or services contribute to combating the climate crisis.

Download the Infosheet

Support Status

Preliminary Stage


Up to 30.000€


Mainland Portugal

Eligible Entities


Incentive Conditions

  • Projects that aim to promote business models, digital products or services with a positive contribution to the climate transition through high efficiency in the use of resources and that allow the reduction of pollution impacts, that foster the circular economy, that constitute new energy production solutions and/or that are characterized by the use of Open Data or Artificial Intelligence, in the following typologies:
    • The start-up and growth support;
    • Support for participation in ignition and acceleration programmes;
    • Support for the development of pilot projects.
  • Mainland Portugal, including the autonomous regions of Madeira and Azores.
  • The amount of funding to be granted under this Notice corresponds to €30,000 per beneficiary.
  • Companies that take the form of SMEs, of any nature or legal form, which have been established for less than 10 years.
  • The following are considered eligible expenses:
    • Costs with existing human resources, or to be hired, destined to the activities to be developed within the project
    • Expenses related to accreditation or technological certification of human resources;
    • Purchasing of Specialised External Services, such as support services to the digitalisation of business processes, marketing services, products and services development, consultancy and other specialised services to pursue the project’s objectives
    • Purchasing or operational leasing of equipment, as well as software licensing or subscription costs, intended for the activities to be developed within the scope of the project;
    • Costs related to the protection/valuation of intellectual property rights;
    • Indirect costs.
    • Note: The foreseen indirect costs are calculated on the basis of simplified costs, based on the application of a flat rate of 15% of the costs with human resources.
  • Measure that aims to support Startups that have or want to develop digital business models and with a strong green (sustainable) component or in sectors with higher technology and knowledge intensity or that value the application of R&D results in the production of new goods and services.

Incentive Conditions

Projects that aim to promote business models, digital products or services with a positive contribution to the climate transition through high efficiency in the use of resources and that allow the reduction of pollution impacts, that foster the circular economy, that constitute new energy production solutions and/or that are characterized by the use of Open Data or Artificial Intelligence, in the following typologies:
The start-up and growth support;
Support for participation in ignition and acceleration programmes;
Support for the development of pilot projects.

Mainland Portugal, including the autonomous regions of Madeira and Azores.

The amount of funding to be granted under this Notice corresponds to €30,000 per beneficiary.

Structural organizations, of any legal nature, framed in the Regulation of the “Enterprise 4.0” Incentive System, with physical presence and that typically correspond to the title “Incubators, Accelerators or Structures supporting startups”.
For the purposes of this call, startups are considered to be entities that take the form of SMEs, of any nature or legal form, which have been founded less than 10 years ago.

The following are considered eligible expenses:
Costs with existing human resources, or to be hired, destined to the activities to be developed within the project
Expenses related to accreditation or technological certification of human resources;
Purchasing of Specialised External Services, such as support services to the digitalisation of business processes, marketing services, products and services development, consultancy and other specialised services to pursue the project’s objectives
Purchasing or operational leasing of equipment, as well as software licensing or subscription costs, intended for the activities to be developed within the scope of the project;
Costs related to the protection/valuation of intellectual property rights;
Indirect costs.
Note: The foreseen indirect costs are calculated on the basis of simplified costs, based on the application of a flat rate of 15% of the costs with human resources.

Measure that aims to support Startups that have or want to develop digital business models and with a strong green (sustainable) component or in sectors with higher technology and knowledge intensity or that value the application of R&D results in the production of new goods and services.

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