Project Description
Digitalization of Local Public Administration (IT)
Portugal 2030
The aim of this incentive is to modernize local public administration in order to respond effectively to the needs of citizens and businesses. Through the implementation of digital services and information technologies, support for the Digitalization of Local Public Administration makes it possible to improve the management and sharing of information between citizens/companies and teleworking dynamics, as well as reducing territorial asymmetries in access to public goods and services and collaboration between the various entities.
Support Status
Up to 85%
Center (NUTS II)
Eligible Entities
Intermunicipal Communities
Digitalization of Local Public Administration (IT)
Portugal 2030
The aim of this incentive is to modernize local public administration in order to respond effectively to the needs of citizens and businesses. Through the implementation of digital services and information technologies, support for the Digitalization of Local Public Administration makes it possible to improve the management and sharing of information between citizens/companies and teleworking dynamics, as well as reducing territorial asymmetries in access to public goods and services and collaboration between the various entities.
Support Status
Up to 85%
Center (NUTS II)
Eligible Entities
Intermunicipal Communities