Project Description

SIID – Business R&D – Demonstrators (Co-promotions)

Portugal 2030

SIID – Business R&D – Demonstrators (Co-promotions) is a Portugal 2030 Grant aimed at supporting projects led by companies and carried out in co-promotion with non-business entities in the R&I System (ENESII). The projects must be aligned with the areas of Research and Innovation, based on successfully completed R&D activities and aimed at the demonstration and industrial validation of the knowledge associated with new technologies applied to products, processes and/or systems.

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Support Status



Up to 80% Lost Fund


NUTS II Regions
(North, Center, Lisbon, Alentejo and Algarve)

Eligible Entities

Small Mid Cap

SIID – Business R&D – Demonstrators (Co-promotions)

Portugal 2030

SIID – Business R&D – Demonstrators (Co-promotions) is a Portugal 2030 Grant aimed at supporting projects led by companies and carried out in co-promotion with non-business entities in the R&I System (ENESII). The projects must be aligned with the areas of Research and Innovation, based on successfully completed R&D activities and aimed at the demonstration and industrial validation of the knowledge associated with new technologies applied to products, processes and/or systems.

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Support Status



Up to 80% Lost Fund


NUTS II Regions
(North, Center, Lisbon, Alentejo and Algarve)

Eligible Entities

Small Mid Cap

Incentive Conditions

  • Support for Demonstrator projects in co-promotion mode, led by companies and carried out in co-promotion between companies or between companies and non-business entities in the R&I System (ENESII).
  • Projects must be aligned with the priority areas of the Research and Innovation Strategy for Intelligent Specialization (RIS3), based on R&D activities that have been successfully completed and are aimed at the industrial validation of the knowledge associated with new technologies that can be applied to products, processes and/or systems, in order to demonstrate and disseminate, to a specialized public and in a real situation, the economic and technical advantages of new technological solutions that have not been sufficiently validated from a technological point of view for commercial use.
  • This includes projects in the area of clinical/biomedical research, at more advanced stages of development with clinical trials.
  • Notes:
    • This includes projects in the area of clinical/biomedical research, at more advanced stages of development with Phase I and/or II clinical trials.
    • Operations may not include activities classified as Industrial Research which represent an investment cost of more than 25% of the total amount of investment proposed.
  • SMEs and Small Mid Cap, of any nature and in any legal form, which meet the eligibility requirements set out in article 14 of Decree-Law no. 20-A/2023, of March 22, which defines the general regime for the application of Portugal 2030 and its Funds, and in article 46 of the Specific Regulation on Innovation and Digital Transition (REITD).
  • Non-business entities in the research and innovation system (ENESII) are also beneficiaries, as co-promoters, including those in the autonomous regions of the Azores and Madeira, in the case of operations funded by the Innovation and Digital Transition Program.
  • Mainland NUTS II regions (North, Center, Lisbon, Alentejo and Algarve).
  • Note: The location of the project corresponds to the region where the investment is located.
  • Under the terms of article 50 of the REITD, the following expenses are eligible:
    • a) Costs of the beneficiary’s technical staff dedicated to R&D activities, as well as costs of grant holders and workers on assignment or secondment, whose remuneration is borne by the beneficiary, or assignments or secondments regulated by prior agreement, provided that they come from institutions in which the beneficiary has a stake or in which it holds capital;
    • b) Costs with the acquisition of patents from external sources or licensed by them, at market prices, which result in their effective endogenization by the beneficiary;
    • c) Costs of raw materials and consumables;
    • d) Costs for the purchase of components necessary for the construction of pilot or experimental and/or demonstration facilities and for the construction of prototypes;
    • e) Costs for the acquisition of services from third parties, including technical and scientific assistance and consultancy, as well as costs arising from the use of electronic platforms for open innovation and crowdsourcing, which arise directly from the operation;
    • f) Costs for the acquisition of instruments, technical-scientific equipment and specific software, demonstrably necessary for carrying out the operation;
    • g) Costs associated with applying for patents, utility models, designs or models, including taxes, fees and other related expenses;
    • h) Costs of promoting and disseminating the results of the operation to the end-user sector or target companies, including the registration and rental of spaces abroad, excluding current and/or commercial expenses;
    • i) Travel and accommodation directly attributable to the operation and demonstrably necessary for its implementation, excluding travel for contacts and other commercial purposes;
    • j) Costs of the certification process for the research, development and innovation management system certified in accordance with NP 4457:2021;
    • k) Expenses with the intervention of a technical-scientific auditor, when applicable, and with the intervention of a Certified Accountant or Chartered Accountant in validating the expenditure of payment requests;
    • l) Indirect costs, when provided for in simplified cost modalities;
    • m) Costs of adapting buildings and facilities, to the extent that they are used in the operation;
    • n) Costs of transportation, insurance, assembly and disassembly of equipment and installations specific to the operation;
    • o) Costs of computer models of prototypes with simulation functions, when appropriate for demonstrating results.
  • Note: Aid Application Records (RPA no. 01/RPA/2022 to R&D) can be used in any R&D notice where this possibility is foreseen. These RPAs can only be used in a single application.
  • COMPETE 2030 – 80%
  • NORTH 2030 – 80%
  • CENTER 2030 – 80%
  • LISBON 2030 – 40%
  • ALENTEJO 2030 – 80%
  • ALGARVE 2030- 80%
  • For companies:
    • Base Rate:
      • Up to 50 % for industrial research;
      • Up to 25% for experimental development.
    • Note: Possibility of increases.
    • Increases:
      • A. “Company size”: up to 10 p.p. to be awarded to medium-sized companies or 20 p.p. to be awarded to micro and small companies;
      • B. “Effective Collaboration” and ‘Wide Disclosure of Results’: up to 15 p.p. to be awarded when the operation meets the conditions set out in Article 49(2)(b);
      • C. “Location of the operation”: up to 15 p.p. to be allocated to operations located in the North, Center or Alentejo regions and up to 5 p.p. to be allocated to operations located in areas c) of the 2022-2027 regional aid map approved by the European Commission (State Aid No. SA 100752 and No. SA. 106697);
    • Increases B and C do not apply cumulatively.
    • The base rates plus the surcharges have a maximum intensity of 80%:
  • For ENESII:
    • In the case of operations presented in co-promotion, ENESII can benefit from a rate of up to 85 % (with the exception of investments in NUTS II LISBOA, where the maximum rate is up to 40%), when the cooperation does not involve indirect State aid to the beneficiary companies and provided that it meets the conditions set out in points 5, 6 and 7 of Article 49 of the REITD.
  • Private beneficiaries (SMEs and Small Mid Cap)

Incentive Conditions

Support for Demonstrator projects in co-promotion mode, led by companies and carried out in co-promotion between companies or between companies and non-business entities in the R&I System (ENESII).
Projects must be aligned with the priority areas of the Research and Innovation Strategy for Intelligent Specialization (RIS3), based on R&D activities that have been successfully completed and are aimed at the industrial validation of the knowledge associated with new technologies that can be applied to products, processes and/or systems, in order to demonstrate and disseminate, to a specialized public and in a real situation, the economic and technical advantages of new technological solutions that have not been sufficiently validated from a technological point of view for commercial use.
This includes projects in the area of clinical/biomedical research, at more advanced stages of development with clinical trials.
This includes projects in the area of clinical/biomedical research, at more advanced stages of development with Phase I and/or II clinical trials.
Operations may not include activities classified as Industrial Research which represent an investment cost of more than 25% of the total amount of investment proposed.

SMEs and Small Mid Cap, of any nature and in any legal form, which meet the eligibility requirements set out in article 14 of Decree-Law no. 20-A/2023, of March 22, which defines the general regime for the application of Portugal 2030 and its Funds, and in article 46 of the Specific Regulation on Innovation and Digital Transition (REITD).
Non-business entities in the research and innovation system (ENESII) are also beneficiaries, as co-promoters, including those in the autonomous regions of the Azores and Madeira, in the case of operations funded by the Innovation and Digital Transition Program.

Mainland NUTS II regions (North, Center, Lisbon, Alentejo and Algarve).
Note: The location of the project corresponds to the region where the investment is located.

Under the terms of article 50 of the REITD, the following expenses are eligible:
a) Costs of the beneficiary’s technical staff dedicated to R&D activities, as well as costs of grant holders and workers on assignment or secondment, whose remuneration is borne by the beneficiary, or assignments or secondments regulated by prior agreement, provided that they come from institutions in which the beneficiary has a stake or in which it holds capital;
b) Costs with the acquisition of patents from external sources or licensed by them, at market prices, which result in their effective endogenization by the beneficiary;
c) Costs of raw materials and consumables;
d) Costs for the purchase of components necessary for the construction of pilot or experimental and/or demonstration facilities and for the construction of prototypes;
e) Costs for the acquisition of services from third parties, including technical and scientific assistance and consultancy, as well as costs arising from the use of electronic platforms for open innovation and crowdsourcing, which arise directly from the operation;
f) Costs for the acquisition of instruments, technical-scientific equipment and specific software, demonstrably necessary for carrying out the operation;
g) Costs associated with applying for patents, utility models, designs or models, including taxes, fees and other related expenses;
h) Costs of promoting and disseminating the results of the operation to the end-user sector or target companies, including the registration and rental of spaces abroad, excluding current and/or commercial expenses;
i) Travel and accommodation directly attributable to the operation and demonstrably necessary for its implementation, excluding travel for contacts and other commercial purposes;
j) Costs of the certification process for the research, development and innovation management system certified in accordance with NP 4457:2021;
k) Expenses with the intervention of a technical-scientific auditor, when applicable, and with the intervention of a Certified Accountant or Chartered Accountant in validating the expenditure of payment requests;
l) Indirect costs, when provided for in simplified cost modalities;
m) Costs of adapting buildings and facilities, to the extent that they are used in the operation;
n) Costs of transportation, insurance, assembly and disassembly of equipment and installations specific to the operation;
o) Costs of computer models of prototypes with simulation functions, when appropriate for demonstrating results.
Note: Aid Application Records (RPA no. 01/RPA/2022 to R&D) can be used in any R&D notice where this possibility is foreseen. These RPAs can only be used in a single application.

COMPETE 2030 – 80%
NORTH 2030 – 80%
CENTER 2030 – 80%
LISBON 2030 – 40%
ALENTEJO 2030 – 80%
ALGARVE 2030- 80%
For companies:
Base Rate:
Up to 50 % for industrial research;
Up to 25% for experimental development.
Note: Possibility of increases.
A. “Company size”: up to 10 p.p. to be awarded to medium-sized companies or 20 p.p. to be awarded to micro and small companies;
B. “Effective Collaboration” and ‘Wide Disclosure of Results’: up to 15 p.p. to be awarded when the operation meets the conditions set out in Article 49(2)(b);
C. “Location of the operation”: up to 15 p.p. to be allocated to operations located in the North, Center or Alentejo regions and up to 5 p.p. to be allocated to operations located in areas c) of the 2022-2027 regional aid map approved by the European Commission (State Aid No. SA 100752 and No. SA. 106697);
Increases B and C do not apply cumulatively.
The base rates plus the surcharges have a maximum intensity of 80%:
In the case of operations presented in co-promotion, ENESII can benefit from a rate of up to 85 % (with the exception of investments in NUTS II LISBOA, where the maximum rate is up to 40%), when the cooperation does not involve indirect State aid to the beneficiary companies and provided that it meets the conditions set out in points 5, 6 and 7 of Article 49 of the REITD.

Private beneficiaries (SMEs and Small Mid Cap)

Other Grants

AAB: Accelerate Azores Brand

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EI: Empresarial Innovate

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SIID – Business R&D: Demonstrators (Individuals)

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Other Grants

AAB: Accelerate Azores Brand

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EI: Empresarial Innovate

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SIID – Business R&D: Demonstrators (Individuals)

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