Project Description
Support Status
Up to 80%
National Territory
Eligible Entities
Legal Entities
Support Status
Up to 80%
National Territory
Eligible Entities
Legal Entities
Environmental Fund
This support aims to implement decarbonization measures in order to combat the climate crisis and promote the appropriation of alternative and more environmentally friendly energies through the purchase of electric goods vehicles.
Support Status
Up to 80%
National Territory
Eligible Entities
Legal Entities
Environmental Fund
This support aims to implement decarbonization measures in order to combat the climate crisis and promote the appropriation of alternative and more environmentally friendly energies through the purchase of electric goods vehicles.
Support Status
Up to 80%
National Territory
Eligible Entities
Legal Entities
To continue implementing measures to accelerate the use of alternative and more environmentally friendly traction energies such as 100% electric traction, given its clear contribution to decarbonization, improving air quality, reducing noise and traffic.
The entire national territory.
Type 2 – €6,000 per vehicle
Type 3 – 50% of the retail price (incl. VAT), up to €1,000 conventional and up to €1,500 electric.
Only legal persons are eligible for the incentive to bring zero-emission goods vehicles into use.
The commercial companies listed below are not eligible for the incentive under the respective typology:
Type 2: companies whose line of business is the trade in light motor vehicles [legal persons whose main or secondary Classification of Economic Activity (CAE) is 45110 of the Portuguese Classification of Economic Activities Rev.3];
Type 3: companies whose line of business is the trade in this type of vehicle [legal persons whose main or secondary CAE(s) are 46493 and 47640 of the Portuguese Classification of Economic Activities Rev.3].
Area of support: Urban logistics
Type: T2 – 100% Electric Light Goods Vehicle
Rules: 200 incentives; €6,000; Maximum 2 incentives/applicant;
Beneficiary: Legal persons
Type: T3 – Cargo bikes (100% electric and conventional)
Rules: 200 incentives, 50% of the retail price (incl. VAT), up to €1,000 conventional and up to €1,500 electric; Maximum 4 incentives/applicant in the case of legal persons;
Beneficiary: Legal persons
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808 500 130
211 451 532
221 451 003
808 500 130
211 451 532
221 451 003
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