Project Description

Grant for the Translation of Literary Works

Recovery and Resilience Plan

The main aim of the Grant for the Translation and Publishing of Literary Works program is to support those involved in literary creation, namely writers, translators and publishers. With funding of 3,000 euros per application, the incentive is also aimed at internationalization and the digitization of books.

Download the Infosheet

Support Status

Preliminary Stage


Up to 3.000€


All Territories

Eligible Entities

Book Publishers
(CAE 58110)

Grant for the Translation of Literary Works

Recovery and Resilience Plan

The main aim of the Grant for the Translation and Publishing of Literary Works program is to support those involved in literary creation, namely writers, translators and publishers. With funding of 3,000 euros per application, the incentive is also aimed at internationalization and the digitization of books.

Download the Infosheet

Support Status

Preliminary Stage


Up to 3.000€


All Territories

Eligible Entities

Book Publishers
(CAE 58110)

Incentive Conditions

  • The call aims to guarantee support for the translation and publishing of literary works in order to:
    • Ensure the representation of works of poetry, fiction, literary essays and social and human sciences, theater and children’s literature, written by Portuguese authors, authors from Portuguese-speaking African countries and East Timor, in international publishing markets;
    • To support those involved in literary creation, namely writers, translators and publishers;
    • To promote the dissemination and knowledge of Portuguese literature at an international level, as an element of affirmation of identity and the development of activities of high cultural, social and economic value;
    • Encourage digital publishing in audiobook or e-book format.
  • With Portuguese literature as its object, written in Portuguese and published in Portugal, the provisions of this Notice extend to any foreign language, from any country in the world.
  • Funding is 100% of eligible costs.
  • Absolute maximum funding of €3,000 per application.
  • Companies, of any size or legal form, governed by private law, which carry out the
    Book Publishing activities, identified as such under CAE 58110;
  • The following are eligible:
    • All expenses that are intended exclusively for the implementation of the projects and that are governed by the principles of good administration, sound financial management and optimization of available resources;
    • Expenses actually paid by the final beneficiary and validated by the intermediary beneficiary (GEPAC), which are incurred after the conclusion of the financing contract between BI and BF;
    • Eligible expenses for the final beneficiary are those associated with the translation and publishing of literature.
  • Expenses incurred by the final beneficiary as part of leasing, rental or long-term rental operations;
  • Normal operating costs of the final beneficiary, not provided for in the contracted investment, as well as maintenance and replacement costs and costs related to periodic or continuous activities;
  • Cash payments, except in situations where this proves to be the most frequent means of payment, depending on the nature of the expenditure, and provided that the unit amount is less than 250 euros;
  • Expenses paid under contracts made through intermediaries or consultants, where the amount to be paid is expressed as a percentage of the amount financed by the PRR or of the eligible expenses of the operation;
  • Acquisition of goods in a state of use;
  • Value Added Tax (VAT);
  • Working capital;
  • Expenditure provided for in the RRP that has been financed by other EU funds.
    • Expenditure declared by the beneficiary that is not considered appropriate in view of its reasonableness in relation to market conditions and the evidence of costs presented and described in the investments approved in the RRP is not considered eligible.

Incentive Conditions

The call aims to guarantee support for the translation and publishing of literary works in order to:
Ensure the representation of works of poetry, fiction, literary essays and social and human sciences, theater and children’s literature, written by Portuguese authors, authors from Portuguese-speaking African countries and East Timor, in international publishing markets;
To support those involved in literary creation, namely writers, translators and publishers;
To promote the dissemination and knowledge of Portuguese literature at an international level, as an element of affirmation of identity and the development of activities of high cultural, social and economic value;
Encourage digital publishing in audiobook or e-book format.

With Portuguese literature as its object, written in Portuguese and published in Portugal, the provisions of this Notice extend to any foreign language, from any country in the world.

Funding is 100% of eligible costs.

Absolute maximum funding of €3,000 per application.

Companies, of any size or legal form, governed by private law, which carry out the
Book Publishing activities, identified as such under CAE 58110;

The following are eligible:
All expenses that are intended exclusively for the implementation of the projects and that are governed by the principles of good administration, sound financial management and optimization of available resources;
Expenses actually paid by the final beneficiary and validated by the intermediary beneficiary (GEPAC), which are incurred after the conclusion of the financing contract between BI and BF;
Eligible expenses for the final beneficiary are those associated with the translation and publishing of literature.

Expenses incurred by the final beneficiary as part of leasing, rental or long-term rental operations;
Normal operating costs of the final beneficiary, not provided for in the contracted investment, as well as maintenance and replacement costs and costs related to periodic or continuous activities;
Cash payments, except in situations where this proves to be the most frequent means of payment, depending on the nature of the expenditure, and provided that the unit amount is less than 250 euros;
Expenses paid under contracts made through intermediaries or consultants, where the amount to be paid is expressed as a percentage of the amount financed by the PRR or of the eligible expenses of the operation;
Acquisition of goods in a state of use;
Value Added Tax (VAT);
Working capital;
Expenditure provided for in the RRP that has been financed by other EU funds.
Expenditure declared by the beneficiary that is not considered appropriate in view of its reasonableness in relation to market conditions and the evidence of costs presented and described in the investments approved in the RRP is not considered eligible.

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