Project Description

Energy Efficiency in Service Buildings

Recovery and Resilience Plan

This PRR support aims to rehabilitate and make buildings more energy efficient by increasing energy production from renewable sources and improving the energy and environmental performance of service buildings. The objectives are to reduce primary energy consumption by at least 30% and water consumption by 20%.

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Support Status



Up to 200.000€


Mainland Portugal

Eligible Entities

Legal Persons
Individuals Persons

Energy Efficiency in Service Buildings

Recovery and Resilience Plan

This PRR support aims to rehabilitate and make buildings more energy efficient by increasing energy production from renewable sources and improving the energy and environmental performance of service buildings. The objectives are to reduce primary energy consumption by at least 30% and water consumption by 20%.

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Support Status



Up to 200.000€


Mainland Portugal

Eligible Entities

Legal Persons
Individuals Persons

Incentive Conditions

  • Rehabilitating and making buildings more energy efficient.
  • Reinforcing energy production from renewable sources;
  • Improving the energy and environmental performance of service buildings;
  • Mainland Portugal.
  • Reduction of primary energy consumption by at least 30%;
  • 20% reduction in water supply consumption;
  • Up to 70% non-refundable
  • Maximum of 200 000 euros per beneficiary
  • Legal and natural persons owning commercial and services buildings and individuals owning commercial and services buildings and carrying out commercial activity in the building, including entities operating in the area of tourism and Social Economy entities.
  • Opaque and glazed envelope
    • Replacement of glazed areas (windows and doors) for more efficient ones
    • Interventions to incorporate bioclimatic architecture solutions, involving the installation or adaptation of fixed building elements such as shading, greenhouses and green roofs or façades, favouring natural-based solutions
    • Application or replacement of thermal insulation in roofs, walls or floors, as well as the replacement of entrance doors
    • Installation of systems that promote the natural ventilation of interior air and/or natural lighting
  • Intervention in technical systems
    • Actions aimed at optimising fluorinated gases in existing air-conditioning and/or DHW (hot sanitary water) systems, or their replacement with natural-based or alternative refrigerants;
    • Installation or replacement of heat exchangers heat exchangers to take advantage of the return water temperature at hot water usage points, or equivalent systems;
    • Installation or replacement of HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) and/or DHW (hot water) systems;
    • Installation and/or improvement of thermal insulation in systems for production, storage and distribution of fluids for heating hot and cold water and/or air conditioning with fluorinated gases;
    • Actions in interior and exterior lighting systems, considering only the complete replacement of luminaries;
    • Implementation of systems or other solutions that contribute to the reduction of primary energy consumption in buildings, for example, HVAC, pumping, compressed air or swimming pools (examples: electronic speed variators, high performance motors, among others);
    • Installation of energy management solutions, including centralised management systems, through monitoring and control of the equipment or systems, to reduce energy consumption and decrease associated costs Incorporation of sensors (movement, presence, twilight, etc.), light flow regulators, among others;
  • Energy production based on renewable energy sources (RES) for self-consumption;
    • Installation of electrical energy production systems for self-consumption, through renewable sources with and without energy storage;
    • Installation and/or replacement of environmental heating and/or cooling and/or hot water systems, which use renewable energy, namely:
    • Heat pumps
    • Solar thermal systems, for the production of DHW
    • High efficiency biomass boilers and/or heat recovery systems with and without hot water accumulation systems
  • Water efficiency:
    • Replacement of water use devices by more efficient ones, including interventions to reduce water losses;
    • Installation of systems to make use of rainwater and/or grey water and/or water for reuse;
    • Implementation of solutions for intelligent monitoring and control of water consumption;
  • Immaterial Actions
    • Energy audits and the issuing of ex-ante and ex-post Energy Certificates, within the scope of the SCE;
    • Consultancy/audit actions in energy and/or water efficiency, essential to the implementation of the measures.

Incentive Conditions

Rehabilitating and making buildings more energy efficient.
Reinforcing energy production from renewable sources;
Improving the energy and environmental performance of service buildings;

Mainland Portugal.

Reduction of primary energy consumption by at least 30%;
20% reduction in water supply consumption;

Up to 70% non-refundable
Maximum of 200 000 euros per beneficiary

Legal and natural persons owning commercial and services buildings and individuals owning commercial and services buildings and carrying out commercial activity in the building, including entities operating in the area of tourism and Social Economy entities.

Opaque and glazed envelope
Replacement of glazed areas (windows and doors) for more efficient ones
Interventions to incorporate bioclimatic architecture solutions, involving the installation or adaptation of fixed building elements such as shading, greenhouses and green roofs or façades, favouring natural-based solutions
Application or replacement of thermal insulation in roofs, walls or floors, as well as the replacement of entrance doors
Installation of systems that promote the natural ventilation of interior air and/or natural lighting
Intervention in technical systems
Actions aimed at optimising fluorinated gases in existing air-conditioning and/or DHW (hot sanitary water) systems, or their replacement with natural-based or alternative refrigerants;
Installation or replacement of heat exchangers heat exchangers to take advantage of the return water temperature at hot water usage points, or equivalent systems;
Installation or replacement of HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) and/or DHW (hot water) systems;
Installation and/or improvement of thermal insulation in systems for production, storage and distribution of fluids for heating hot and cold water and/or air conditioning with fluorinated gases;
Actions in interior and exterior lighting systems, considering only the complete replacement of luminaries;
Implementation of systems or other solutions that contribute to the reduction of primary energy consumption in buildings, for example, HVAC, pumping, compressed air or swimming pools (examples: electronic speed variators, high performance motors, among others);
Installation of energy management solutions, including centralised management systems, through monitoring and control of the equipment or systems, to reduce energy consumption and decrease associated costs Incorporation of sensors (movement, presence, twilight, etc.), light flow regulators, among others;
Energy production based on renewable energy sources (RES) for self-consumption;
Installation of electrical energy production systems for self-consumption, through renewable sources with and without energy storage;
Installation and/or replacement of environmental heating and/or cooling and/or hot water systems, which use renewable energy, namely:
Heat pumps
Solar thermal systems, for the production of DHW
High efficiency biomass boilers and/or heat recovery systems with and without hot water accumulation systems
Water efficiency:
Replacement of water use devices by more efficient ones, including interventions to reduce water losses;
Installation of systems to make use of rainwater and/or grey water and/or water for reuse;
Implementation of solutions for intelligent monitoring and control of water consumption;
Immaterial Actions
Energy audits and the issuing of ex-ante and ex-post Energy Certificates, within the scope of the SCE;
Consultancy/audit actions in energy and/or water efficiency, essential to the implementation of the measures.

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Internationalization via E-Commerce

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Other Grants

Territorially Based Investments

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Qualification and Internationalisation (Joint)

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Internationalization via E-Commerce

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