Project Description

Small Farm Investments: Mitigation of the Effects of Drought Outside Vulnerable Areas
Rural Development Program
The support aims to mitigate the effects of extreme and severe drought as an adverse climatic phenomenon by investing in farms to cope with the scarcity of available water, to water livestock and to maintain permanent crops. Maximum funding is 50,000 euros, up to 50% non-repayable.
Support Status
Up to 50.000€
Mainland Portugal
Eligible Entities
Individuals Entities
Legal Entities

Small Farm Investments: Mitigation of the Effects of Drought Outside Vulnerable Areas
Rural Development Program
The support aims to mitigate the effects of extreme and severe drought as an adverse climatic phenomenon by investing in farms to cope with the scarcity of available water, to water livestock and to maintain permanent crops. Maximum funding is 50,000 euros, up to 50% non-repayable.
Support Status
Up to 50.000€
Mainland Portugal
Eligible Entities
Individuals Entities
Legal Entities